There is no better place to buy a machine than Singer Sewing Center of Corpus Christi!
DIME Inspiration Software
DIME, Designs in Machine Embroidery

DIME Inspiration Word Art in Stitches

DIME Inspiration Word Art in Stitches Software

Express yourself in stitches! Now it’s easier than ever to express yourself in stitches with just a few clicks of a button!

Word Art in Stitches software features include:

  • Choose from 550+ Bubble Shapes.
  • Add texture and dimension with 13 different Puffy Fonts.
  • Choose from 10 different Applique Fonts to embellish everything from t-shirts and sweatshirts to tote bags and more.
  • Micro Fonts specially digitized designs range in size from 3-6 mm in height.
  • Make a regal statement with the Calligraphy feature that includes 13 font styles.

Bubble Text!

  • Choose from 550+ Bubble Shapes. Type the word or words you want to fill the shape. Select your favorite color schemes, font and orientation for the words. Press “apply” and you have a Bubble Shape filled with your unique words! Continue pressing the “apply” button for countless variations. Once you place your favorite layout onscreen, you can group or ungroup for even more editing and customization.

Puffy Fonts

  • Add texture and dimension with 13 different Puffy Fonts. The embroidery fonts are digitized specifically for Puffy Foam. The stitching process perforates the Puffy Foam with a clean finish. It’s easy, fun and adds a new dimension of craftiness to embroidery projects.

Applique Fonts

  • Choose from 10 different Applique Fonts to embellish everything from t-shirts and sweatshirts to tote bags and more. Change the path to circular, normal or monogram for an even more customized design.

Micro Fonts

  • These specially digitized designs range in size from 3-6 mm in height. Add to baby or doll clothes, quilt labels, shirt cuffs, logos or any tiny space that needs a word, name or phrase.


  • Make a regal statement with the Calligraphy feature that includes 13 font styles.

True Type Fonts

  • 140+ Keyboard Fonts
  • 12 Monogram Fonts
  • True Type Fonts
  • 22 Ink Spots
  • 57 Postage Marks
  • 882 Text Designs
  • 57 Monogram Embellishments

Specialty Features

  • Text on Path
  • Fairy Tale Feature – Oversized
  • First Letter
  • Adjust Line Spacing
  • Fine-Tune Kerning
  • Ten Pre-set Envelope Shapes
  • Import Artwork
  • Create Custom Thread Charts

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