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DIME Inspiration Software
DIME, Designs in Machine Embroidery

DIME Inspiration My Fabric Designer Software

DIME Inspiration Software - My Fabric Designer

You don’t have to be an artist to design your own fabric.

MSRP: $399

My Fabric Designer is a program that combines artwork editing, fabric design and quilting features in one package. It doesn’t stop there–with a click of the button, you can print your fabric on demand.

A few of the many features of My Fabric Designer include:

  • Pattern: Create a custom repeatable pattern. With a click of the button MFD will repeat the pattern, creating a seamless canvas!
  • Quilt: Design your own whole-cloth quilt. Select your favorite quilt blocks from the built-in library or import your own. You can also specify sashing and borders!
  • Cloth: Specify the dimensions of the fabric and work within those boundaries to design your fabric.

4 Different Canvas Settings to Fit Your Design Style!

  • Pattern: Create a custom repeatable pattern. With a click of the button MFD will repeat the pattern, creating a seamless canvas!

    DIME Inspiration Software - My Fabric Designer - Pattern

  • Quilt: Design your own whole-cloth quilt. Select your favorite quilt blocks from the built-in library or import your own. You can also specify sashing and borders! Choose your favorite colors and add patterns–your imagination is the only limit.

    DIME Inspiration Software - My Fabric Designer, Quilt Patterns

  • Cloth: Specify the dimensions of the fabric and work within those boundaries to design your fabric.

DIME Inspriation Software - My Fabric Designer, Cloth Pattern

  • Free: The canvas is unlimited in size to give you the biggest workspace. Picture this setting as an infinitely sized bulletin board to plan and experiment with your design ideas.

DIME Inspiration Software - My Fabric Designer, Free Hand Design

Additional Software Features

  • Make your own print-ondemand fabric.
  • Repeatable pattern tool
  • Unlimited colors
  • Drawing tools: Bezier, simple and free hand
  • Use True Type fonts installed on your computer
  • Wreath Maker Tool
  • Scatter and Reflection tools
  • Placement guides
  • 6 Handy alignment tools
  • Reshuffling tools
  • Group/Ungroup
  • Combine/Break apart
  • Load Backdrops
  • Preview window
  • Customizable Grid
  • Built-in color matrix
  • Select from 600+ built-in artwork images and shapes
  • Import Artwork
  • Import Bitmaps
  • Unlimited Undo and Redo
  • Print Embroidery Files onto fabric for a faux embroidery look
  • Upload the file to My Fabric Designs for immediate printing


  • Opens: C2S, C2F
  • Saves: C2F, BLK
  • Import Artwork: AI, EPS, EMF, WMF, DXF, PLT, SVG, and FCM
  • Import Bitmap: All major bitmap formats including: JPG, BMP, TIF
  • Export: PNG

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